How to do regular practice with training methods of Wu Chan Zhong Qigong School?

Qigong Practice


Hello, colleagues and interested people…

I am often asked in letters, by those, who found on the net the site of our school, how to participate in a seminar. Probably, I didn’t write a very clear answer to this question on our site. Or simply I didn’t take into account changes in the methods of teaching in our school, which has emerged in recent years, so I decided to write a separate post on this topic to avoid repeating questions, from all those who are interested in right training.

How to participate in a seminar?

How to practice comprehensively, systematically and consistently?


Nowadays I don’t organise our seminars with the same frequency. I find it difficult to travel to different cities. In Moscow and Tomsk (where I still live), I organise seminars about 2 times a year when there are at least 7-9 people group.

We are not is doing a special advertising in our school, so people do not “rush” to us. Everything is done a “quiet” mode.

In recent years, we have formed our training in a very natural way, and I find it perfect for all parties.

Firstly, a potential student can find on the net and read our school website and all materials in the school blog “The Magus Sign”

In we placed many video lectures with exercises, articles with the theory and principles of practice. This information can give you a good idea of ​​the practice, so you can decide whether or not it worth going “deeper” on the subject.

Then, if someone wants to explore Qigong deeper (seriously and methodically), he/she must undergo a full training.

How to undergo a full training? What are my options?

Personally, I cannot travel to other cities and countries as I used to do often being younger. And in general, to go somewhere, you need to ensure completion of mandatory budget travel: the flights, accomodation, renting premises for the workshop, meals and so on, apart from direct earnings. This budget can be reached by having at least 8-10 people participating in the seminar (approximately $200 per person), and it is hard to collect such a group without any special advertising, which would have to have an enthusiastic organizer, as well.

There are, of course, already formed groups with whom I meet in person several times a year and we plan it upfront. Thanks to the organizers, these groups have a lot of people, and I cannot give them up (friendships, responsibility for the processes already started and other things). This paragraph I wrote, just for sake of objectivity to show that in theory, of course, there is a possibility that if some person (the one, who will be the organizer of the workshop) have the desire and the ability to collect a sufficient number of people to perform the workshop and if it he/she can help with accommodation then the instructor can actually come and train anywhere in the world.

But in fact, it is easier and quite enough to practice on a training video and then follow-up with on-line practice (group meetings and individual consultation).

Instructional video:

The site is full of school instructional videos, it’s just the recording of our seminars, and it is complete and comprehensible learning at home:

You can download the first lesson for free and then decide to buy the whole video course (firstly, of course you can buy only the video of the seminar level 1, other steps may or may not be needed at all, or you will be required to have it much later).

In general, in the page with a training video on it is all written. Also on the same page, there is information on costs and method of payment.

Regular on-line trainings:

After training on the video course (seminar 1st level) the person receives all the necessary knowledge and skills to practice independently. And by the way, this is the way how all those who later became legendary masters practiced :) People! Walking into classes, and be constantly in some groups, performing basic exercises under the guidance of some coaches – it is a fiction and nonsense! :) Self-development – is an individual experience, it just has to be a regular and competent (and all technique can be reached at the workshop or by video, and – at the beginning – to have the opportunity to ask a question to an instructor or to more experienced colleagues).

We have the opportunity for such meetings, communication and group lessons, all the details are in our site. To request access to our on-line classes, please email to (on-line classes are allowed to those who have been trained at the workshop or on the video course).


In addition, I will continue to publish articles and video lectures in “The Magus Sign”, these are practical materials that can assist in understanding of the practice.

In addition, we have a special offsite training sessions – we call them retreats.

About retreats I explain in details at the seminar 1st level (respectively, there is information about them in the training video course).

Retreats are for those who are practicing for a while.

In our retreats we have a chance of full communication with each other, to check our level of practice, clarify something, and – most importantly – get promotion in your level.

For the convenience of people living in different places around the world 3-4 retreats a year in beautiful and useful for the practice areas (China, Lake Baikal, Montenegro, Crimea). Information about retreats is published one year ahead on the school website (see right-hand column for news). You can choose to either come for one retreat only, or visit  retreats regularly (but visit retreats more than once a year has no real benefits) .

That’s about it :)

All of the methods and forms of training in complex – provide good opportunities for advancement in practice.

If something is not clear or you have a technical question about this topic, please ask in the comments to the post.

Sincerely, Oleg Nazarov.
