
Some teachers say that someone has the ability to Qigong, and someone doesn’t.

I wonder how this is defined. Are there any criteria or attributes for this?


As in any profound teachings it is emphasized that the purpose of the practice is not in the acquisition of psychic abilities, when you think on this subject I personally believe that the initial presence of such criteria in the novice practitioner is not important at all. Apparently, this is a minor phenomenon.

There is an ancient saying: “Yoga is a priceless gift for a smart person – it helps him to become wise. She will make a God a sage person. A silly man taking over this practice inevitably turns into an idiot, and she always leads to death an idiot. For an ordinary person doing yoga is not necessary and there is no time for it – he’s got bigger fish to fry”. I do not remember the author, maybe it is Shiva himself – the patron of Yoga. By Yoga is not meant Yoga as a gym, but a full system of higher transformation of the spirit. So, this saying can be considerate, no matter what system of self-development is practiced, including Qigong.

When I think about the talent and ability to qigong – I set for myself Wisdom as a first option.

Those who taught me once, seems to include it in the first place too, because they schematically described their vision of development in practice as follows: relaxation -> silence -> pause -> wisdom.

Let’s say that poor health takes over our life (chi) and, therefore, good health is important too. Perhaps this is so. But we do not now want to list all the factors, and find for ourselves the most important and fundamental one. Therefore, I, as once Solomon, would ask the gods if they exist, – The Wisdom. By having Wisdom – I’ll know how to do to get healthy and don’t get sick anymore, freeing the chi for higher performance.

Let’s say that the restless “strong” mind creates obstacles. That people with complex mental and spiritual organization can’t calm down easy and they are not able to come to the peace and true wisdom. Therefore, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (a complex person with a “strong” mind will not find truth, and will suffer from ignorance). But if a person initially has wisdom, he will understand all advises on the practice and gradually will be able to calm his mind in the right meditation, while a foolish man will change everything in its own way and will harm the practice.

Let’s say that there are favourable practice factors. We remember that we need practice colleagues, prosperity, peace in the family and a number of other factors, which if exists, create a favourable basis for relaxation and tranquillity, ie for the beginning of the path. But if I had the wisdom, I would probably create these factors, wouldn’t I?

Then, on the contrary, as if I was an idiot and forget about life and its fruit, about my family and friends, work and realisation, not realizing that I have created in my subconscious an unresolved conflict that does not allow me to achieve relaxation and peace in practice, hindering my way. My tense mind will suffer, and create all sorts of illusions, dreams, hallucinations, just to shove me an idea about my advancement and success in practice to amuse my bruised and unsatisfied feeling of importance. My practice will become an escape from an unhappy life, from world I hate, in which I could neither make happy myself and my family and friends. My stupid mind can’t understand where the truth and fiction are, my illusions possess me, and that’s how I, an idiot ruin the practice of Qigong.

Therefore, Gods, if you are, and if I can ask you only one thing – I do not need the third eye, or the ability to feel a burning sensation in my lower Dantian, I do not need great teachers, or the ability to pass through the wall … I ask you about to give me Wisdom! 😉

Sincerely, Oleg Nazarov.
