Big Tree

Please give me advice on the following:

1. Can I stay one day of Big Three of 2nd level and another day Big Three of 1st level?

2. After how long of practicing Big Three of 1st level, I can switch to practice of Big Three of 2nd level?

3. If I switched to the practice BT2, do I have to still practice BT1?


BT on each level has both common and specialized functions. About one common feature I wrote my opinion in a thread about the “Lotus”. Specialization is associated with a Dantian’s. The practice of a Dantian’s special way changes our biochemistry, and biochemistry affect the nature of thoughts and emotions.

It turns out that the development of our Dantian change some “basic principles” of our inner state, our character, and ability to respond to psychological and physical well-being. These “basic principles” are called “Yuan” (almost literal translation). The practice of bottom Dantian tribute to associate with “The Earth Yuan”, and the middle one – with the “The Man Yuan.” But why? May be the clue is in the name?

The practice of bottom Dantian – is the power, hormones, sexuality, some sort “energy”, might. It is associated with activation of endocrine organs in this area responsible for sex hormones, and the entire inner chemistry serving the process of their generation. As a result of the lower Dantian practice you get this “chemical energy” and all the consequences of this energy: power, desire and activity. But with such an overabundance of energy, a person may begin to shake, fever, as a hypersexual teenager, it can suddenly become unmanageable and rude, categorical perfectionist and militant fanatic. Sounds familiar? 😉

Middle Dantian (this whole area of ​​meditation) is associated with different glands and organs; a new hormonal environment and chemistry changes in this area, leads to an alternative process: in some way – the harmonization of the psycho-emotional sphere, because, as rightly noticed the ancient creators exercises Wu Xing Gong, endocrine function of internal organs, which are hidden under the rib cage – are clearly linked to our higher emotions. Therefore, in the middle Dantian practice the “body chemistry” is not improved, as in the practice of the lower Dantian, but psycho-emotional sphere of a man, and this origin (Yuan) is called “The Man Yuan”.

However, in excess of this resource (this kind of “chi”), a person can also go “crazy”, but in the other direction: firstly, he/her begins to tell everyone about De, wants to love everybody, might want to sell his/her apartment and go to a monastery, then, if there are no anyone who can help, such a person disappears from view of normal people.

The practice of working on our biochemistry, emotions, psyche – is the most dangerous “game with fire”. Imagine an ancient novice alchemist, who poisoned himself by experimenting with different substances. The same thing in our case: if there is no refined methodology and understanding. We always say about the inadmissibility of independent learning.

When you know how this or that exercise affects our body and emotions, then it is not practicing as a blind child, but as a master who realise the goals and the tools. I do not agree with the idea of ​​a blunt practice. Practice should be with a clear understanding of what and why you are doing. In this case it will not be such a question: “What “Big Tree” and when to practice?”. If you are already reeling from your “body chemistry”, then you need to go to the practice on the second level, when once again you feel the lack of energy, lethargy, loss of tonus and you have thought in your head about the salvation of all beings – you should go back to the first level. And practice so until you reach a stable stage of “quiet”. This may require 2-3 years, but then you can begin to practice the third level. After practice in the third level and the regular “pause”, an inner understanding of the Whole already appears, so any advice and algorithms will no longer be needed. But basically, if 1 and 2 levels are well established, ie there is a high internal harmony between the “earth” and “man” between “animal power” and “human awareness” as well as a stable relaxation and silence – then the gap between the 3rd and the 4th level can be minimal. It is necessary to spend a formal practice time on 3rd level (approx. 6 months) to understand how these exercises affect us, how they are changing our “Sky Yuan”, and after that to learn about the tools of the 4th level. Yes, this is not enough, of course, for transformation. But all four levels will still be relevant and it is necessary to return to them from time to time.

How to Practice Big Tree …
